Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Youth Ministry...in or out of the box?

So I am not going to lie...(cause well, that's a sin. =) I'm not a youth pastor. BUT I do work at a youth ministry and even working as a student leader in my high school youth ministry I've realized a few basic things.

Youth Ministry can either be in the box.... The box of ordinary. The box of typical. The box of "normal." The box of what is expected. The box that it's always been in... OR Youth Ministry can be outside of the box. It can be Spirit led instead of man led. It can be full of power instead of complacent. It can be moving forward instead of standing still.

No matter how radical we are, we can still tend to put ourselves, ministry, and even GOD in a box...we begin to think that "this is the way" when in all reality God is wanting to come and do a completely NEW thing.

"Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?"-Is. 43:19

Let the new thing, come, Lord! And allow US to perceive it!

When you think of youth ministry as being out of the box...what do you see?

1 comment:

Daniel Hopkins said...

Definitely AMEN! I've seen and heard of so many youth groups doing the "norm" week end and week out. In my youth group we've really tried to take God out of the box. Especially the box of "You can only worship God when there's music". Romans 12:1. Again amen...